Convert string to character array in JavaScript
How to convert string to character array in JavaScript? Answer:
function toCharArray(str) {
return [...str];
console.log(toCharArray('this is my text'));
console.log(toCharArray('Spec éáőú and 💡✨'));
By default, if you want to convert a string into a character array in vanilla JavaScript you maybe think of the split
function at first. Like this:
However, when using an empty string as a separator the split function uses UTF-16 code units and this ruins Unicode characters built up from 2 elements, for example:
console.log('Spec text 💡✨'.split(''));
Gives the result:
['S','p','e','c',' ','t','e','x','t',' ','\uD83D','\uDCA1','✨']
A better and even simpler solution is to simply use an array spread operator like this:
console.log([...'Spec text 💡✨']);
where the result will be the expected:
['S','p','e','c',' ','t','e','x','t',' ','💡','✨']
So that's a simple way to convert a string into a character array in modern JavaScript.
String split reference
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string, character, array, convert, unicode, javascript, spread Technical term:
Convert string to character array in JavaScript